I walked to the bottom of Bathurst Street for the first time the other day and here was this big wall of graffiti and construction. It was like exposing a bit of the underbelly of the city.
After admiring the signs and lettering on my walks to work, I wanted to document what I had found. We often discuss the cultural impact of architecture and urban spaces but rarely the words and letters found in these spaces. So here is villatype, a visual record and discussion of type and lettering found in the public domain. I hope you will all take part by adding to the dialogue and posting your own finds.
Call for submissions
villatype is always searching for found type and lettering in any public space. You can send me images along with your name, city, street and date. Or, even better, become a contributor and post them yourself by emailing me your contact info and I will add you as a contributor.
Nice. Toronto is such an ugly city in the winter. For a moment I thought these images where somewhere in the Ukraine.
To be fair, that's Toronto's Berlin wall. It's there to keep us from running to the freedom of the Toronto Islands and Cherry Beach.
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